12 Must-Know Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter is in full swing, and while the colder, dry weather outside might be inviting to some, it can wreak havoc on anyone’s skin.
If you’re not careful, your skin could become chapped and red this winter – which is no fun for anyone. That’s why you need to prepare yourself for the colder months.
Skin can become dry, chapped and irritated when exposed to cold weather for too long. Wind, cold temperatures, indoor heaters, heated water in showers and baths: all of these things can damage your skin by removing moisture from it. Because of this natural occurrence, it can be tough to maintain healthy winter skin.
If you prepare yourself and your skin for the colder weather, though, you won’t face any problems with dry or irritated skin and you’ll find that you enjoy having healthy skin. Read on below to find out some of the easiest tips and tricks to help you achieve that.
Your Skin Type Matters
One of the first things you should do is determine what kind of skin type you have. There are three basic types: dry, normal and oily. Knowing which skin type you have will help you address any skin problems more effectively. For instance, if your skin is on the dry side, then you’ll have to use different skincare products than someone who has oily skin.
Moisturize Your Skin At Least Once a Day
This will help keep your skin hydrated and moisturized throughout the day, important in winter. Like it does during other seasons, your skin needs to be kept moist to remain healthy and look its best.
If you don’t moisturize your skin when it gets dry or chapped, your skin will start flaking off. People who don’t moisturize their skin enough can end up with scaly, dry skin that itches like crazy. This is why you should focus on moisturizing your skin more than once each day.
Wash Your Face with Warm Water
Warm water helps open your pores and get more of the impurities out of them. That’s good for you, especially when it gets cold outside. When the air is dry and cold, your skin easily becomes irritated because of all the opening up in your pores. If you cleanse your skin properly each night (with warm water), this will help prevent any chapped or flaky skin problems from occurring in winter.
Don’t Forget To Exfoliate!
If you fail to exfoliate your winter skin at least once a week during the winter months, you’re not doing yourself any favors. A good way to do this is by using a rough sponge or washcloth in the shower and scrubbing it gently over your skin. This removes dead skin cells and gets rid of dirt and oil that builds on the skin’s surface.
Invest In Humidifier
During the winter months, you should keep your surroundings as humid as possible. Doing so will help protect your skin from becoming dry and irritated. Keeping a humidifier in each room of your home is an easy way to achieve this effect.
If you live in a dry climate, investing in a humidifier is a great way to prevent too much moisture from being taken out of your skin. You can also put one in your bedroom so that your skin doesn’t get so dried out and itchy when you sleep.
Protect Yourself with Sunscreen
It’s important to wear sunscreen whenever you go outdoors, especially during the winter. When it’s cold outside, many people don’t think about the harmful UV rays that can damage their skin and can cause cancer. This is why it’s so important to have a healthy layer of SPF 30 or 50 on before you leave the house.
If you work outdoors, make sure to wear sunscreen under your winter clothing to have maximum protection from the sun. If there’s a large amount of snow outside, use a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15.
Don’t Forget To Cover Up Your Skin
If you’re going to be outside for long hours in the cold, protecting yourself is essential. This means not only putting sunscreen on but also wearing thick sweaters and scarves that can shield your skin from the harmful effects of wind, snow and other elements.
Use Low Water Temperature in Your Shower
The water should be as warm as possible for your shower without being so hot that it starts to burn your skin. This means sticking with lukewarm or tepid water instead of hot water for most people. People with dry skin are better off using cool or cold water to rinse off to keep their skin from getting too irritated, itchy and flaky.
Don’t Towel-Dry Your Hair
People with dry or damaged hair should avoid using a towel to dry off their tresses after stepping out of the shower. Rubbing your hair harshly with a towel can make it frizzy, tangled, and even lead to split-ends.
You’re better off wrapping your hair in a soft, absorbent towel and squeezing it gently to get the water out. Go over it with a blow dryer on low heat if you have one.
Drink Lots of Water
You’d be surprised how much of a difference this can make when it comes to preventing dry, flaky skin. Your body needs water to absorb and distribute nutrients throughout your entire system.
By drinking enough fluids, you’re allowing your cells to function at their best. In the winter months especially, you should try to drink at least one glass of water for each hour you’re awake.
Boost Your Vitamin Intake
Try to consume more vitamins than you normally would keep your skin hydrated and healthy-looking during the winter months. Vitamin A is beneficial for protecting your skin from harsh weather.
Vitamin E can be beneficial, too, especially when it comes to repairing your skin after you’ve been in the cold.
Consult a Dermatologist
If you notice that your skin is becoming extra dry or itchy, make an appointment to see a dermatologist as soon as possible. They can tell you about the best creams and lotions for winter skincare and give you some helpful tips on protecting yourself from harsh weather conditions.
Winter skin can look and feel dry and itchy, but with the right tips and tricks, you’ll be able to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
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