Healthy Ways to Celebrate the Longest Day of the Year

The summer solstice is the day with the longest period of daylight, which is why it is often called the longest day of the year. During the month of June, the solstice occurs when the sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky. Celebrating the beginning of summer can be simple and fun. Here are some suggestions.
The summer solstice is a great time to reflect on the past season and set goals for the season ahead. Grab a yoga mat and take a moment for yourself to relax and meditate. There are plenty of videos on YouTube to help you get started if you haven’t done meditation before.
Go for a swim
The summer solstice is the first official day of summer! That makes it the perfect time for a pool day. Hang out in the pool, teach your child to swim, or even get some exercise in.
Aquatic hand bars are great for aquatic Zumba, water walking, pushdown exercises and more. The foam hand bars create resistance in the water. Get everything you need for water aerobics and spend your summer solstice lounging and exercising in the pool.
Play some outdoor games with your family
The warm weather makes the summer solstice the perfect time to play some games with your kids. Set up a sprinkler and play a fun game of tag. Or set up a fun outdoor obstacle course by repurposing other items you have around your house like hula hoops or pool noodles. The Bay Area is also a great place to venture outdoors for a fun day trip, a picnic, or to just explore something new.
Have a bonfire
Take advantage of the extra hours of sunlight and have a bonfire to celebrate the solstice. Play music, sit around the fire, and enjoy some yummy food. Roast some traditional s’mores for a delicious campfire treat or try something new like sweet potato nachos or pineapple upside down cake.
Great places for bonfires in the Bay Area are Ocean Beach in San Francisco and Muir Beach in Marin County.
Exercise outside
Tired of your gym? Switch up the scenery by exercising outdoors, perhaps on some local secret staircases. Go for a walk around your neighborhood, learn how to transition from your treadmill to running outdoors, or do some resistance band exercises in your backyard.
Mark your calendar now for the summer solstice and have a great first day of summer!
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