Smoking, put it out for good

Deciding to quit smoking is a big step. Following through is just as important. Quitting tobacco, vaping and nicotine addiction isn’t easy, but others have done it, and you can, too. Your health matters!
Here’s what you’ll get when you quit smoking:
- Lowered risk for lung cancer and many other types of cancer.
- Reduced risk for heart disease, stroke and narrowing blood vessels outside of your heart, and lung disease.
- Improved lung functions; reduced cough, wheezing or shortness of breath.
- Reduced infertility in women of childbearing age.
Discuss with your Brown & Toland Provider
Your provider can provide counseling and support in your journey to improve your health. Discuss if you need medications to help you successfully quit.
Set your Quit Day
Pick the date, mark it on your calendar, and share it with friends and family.
Have a plan
You will need to change your daily habits; have healthy snacks available, find enjoyable ways to fill your time when you are tempted to smoke or vape.
Look for additional support
- Tell your family, friends, and co-workers.
- Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for support.
- Check out the quitSTART app on IOS and Android Store.
- Visit American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking program online at, or visit their offices in person for resources and additional ways to quit.
Infographic on the Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Download the Smoking Cessation PDF
Download the Smoking Cessation PDF – Chinese
Download the Smoking Cessation PDF – Spanish
CDC Quitting Smoking
American Lung Association