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Thank you for your interest in partnering with Brown & Toland Physicians. For more information, download our resources below.
Electronic health record
Patient portal
A Claims, Authorizations, Referrals, and Eligibility System
Our proprietary Claims, Authorizations, Referrals, and Eligibility System was designed with the needs of physicians in mind. One link is all doctors need to confirm member eligibility, check claim status, submit authorizations, refer to specialists, and more. It results in less time on the phone, less paper to manage, and more convenience.
Clinical results reporting
Clinical integration and patient connectivity are the keys to improving patient care, reducing medical errors, and helping our doctors exceed industry benchmarks. To maximize clinical integration, Brown & Toland also delivers anytime access to clinical results for services performed by our hospitals and laboratory partners. Our secure online reporting integrates and color-codes all the information, so our doctors can provide real-time results at the point of care — for all their patients.