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Best-in class health care providers, close to home
From the flu, to a fracture, to a chronic condition like diabetes and everything in between, the right physician is someone you can trust to partner with you on your health care journey.
Brown & Toland Physicians has many types of doctors and medical professionals to meet your family’s health care needs. If you’re looking to find a primary care physician (PCP) or a specialist for you or a family member, we can help. Find doctors by availability, location and specialty below, contact your health plan or call us at 800.225.5637 (TTY: 711).
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Accepting New Patients
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Accepting New Patients
Accepting Medi-Cal

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Accepting New Patients
Not Accepting Medi-Cal

Accepting New Patients
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The Find a Doctor directory is published by Brown & Toland Physicians as a way to find Brown & Toland-affiliated physicians in the San Francisco Bay Area. This directory may not be republished, sold, resold, copied, duplicated or downloaded in whole or in part, for commercial or any other purposes, such as the distribution of mailing lists.
Brown & Toland Physicians makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this directory. You should verify the accuracy of the information directly with the physician’s office. Brown & Toland Physicians does not recommend or endorse any particular provider in the directory.
Using the directory is not a reliable method to verify the credentials or licenses of any physician in the directory.
Brown & Toland Physicians is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information in the directory.